Understanding dementia needs

We’ve recently completed our Dementia Needs Assessment (DNA). There are a number of things the KJSA has helped with; it’s a great primary source and it also makes us think about the wider factors that affect people with dementia and their carers.

Although there is a lot of work going on around dementia, it is important to check periodically that what we are doing provides the right type of support for people living with dementia. The DNA also helps us understand future projections of the number of people likely to be living with dementia in Kirklees and how that might affect health and social care.

To find out more, click here.

Blog post by guest contributor Sandra Croft, Partnership Commissioning Manager – Older People Commissioning and Health Partnerships Directorate for Commissioning, Public Health and Adult Social Care





‘CLiK’ here for local insights

Our local adult population survey, Current Living in Kirklees (CLiK for short), was sent to one in five households over the summer of 2016. It is a valuable source of local intelligence and insight that informs the KJSA. Many sections of the KJSA have utilised findings from the previous CLiK survey in 2012; these sections will be updated as we continue to process the latest data.  

The first section of the KJSA to go online with 2016 CLiK data is the adult carers section. We’ll be posting more information about carers and CLiK surveys to this blog soon – sign up to the blog email updates in the panel to the right.

To find out more about the CLiK survey, go to: www.kirklees.gov.uk/CLiK2016


Getting to know our local population

How much do you know about the population of Kirklees? Do you know how our local population profile has changed in recent years and how it is likely to change in the future? Would you like to know more about life expectancy, household composition or emerging communities in Kirklees?  

Our population summary is a great starting point for understanding our local population. It will signpost you to more detailed information either in the KJSA or elsewhere. Why not take a look?