Updated overview – a quick read

The 2019/20 Kirklees Overview KJSA section was approved for publication by the Health and Wellbeing Board on 21 November 2019. The overview is refreshed annually, and includes the latest available local data to highlight key messages found elsewhere in the KJSA. For those with limited spare time, the overview will quickly get you up to speed about the most important issues, opportunities and innovations affecting and improving the health and wellbeing of Kirklees residents.

This year’s overview gives the ‘story’ of Kirklees, from the historical context of the area’s industrial roots and the factors that make Kirklees unique to the latest programmes and ways of working with local communities and networks, framed around the seven Kirklees Outcomes. The section also identifies:

  • Indicators showing positive trends or good performance;
  • Things we need to keep an eye on (due to poor performance, negative trends, or increasing health concerns);
  • New initiatives where we’re hoping to see an improvement but it is too early to measure.

Based on feedback from users the overview also includes a quick summary, so if you don’t have time to read the whole overview you can get the most important information on just two slides.

Owen Richardson, Intelligence Lead for Public Health

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