Young carers

The 2011 national census suggested there were 953 young carers, age 15 or younger in Kirklees. Actual numbers are believed to be much higher with many more being hidden carers. For some being a young carer can be a positive experience, whilst for others the impact of caring can push whole families into crisis.

The Young Carers section in the JSA provides an insight into the challenges encountered by young carers and their families and identifies opportunities to empower carers to manage their caring roles and have a life outside of caring.

Whilst a young carer service is provided locally they do not have the capacity to support all young carers. This section looks to increase understanding around where possible gaps and unmet needs exist and encourages services to consider community assets which can improve support and reduce the difficulties experienced by young carers.

For more information, click here.

Blog post by guest contributor Alan Laurie, Commissioning Manager – Joint Commissioning
