New developments for the KJSA!

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken priority over the past two years meaning that the information within the Kirklees Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (KJSA) has become out of date. A new, improved KJSA is currently being planned in collaboration with the Health and Wellbeing Board. A KJSA Steering Group has been established and is tasked with the development. Members of the group come from departments across Kirklees Council, along with the CCG, Healthwatch and other partners.

While we develop the new KJSA, we have created a ‘Picture of Health’ page and embedded the health intelligence pack created by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID). This pack provides an up-to-date picture of the health of residents in the Yorkshire and Humber region, alongside a local authority variation summary which allows a more focused view of Kirklees.

The old KJSA content is still available via an ‘Archive’ page, and the side menu retains links to key pages including the ‘Children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND)’ section (updated in October 2021).

We’ll provide regular blog posts on our progress with the new KJSA, and will also be sharing some interesting findings from our recent Current Living in Kirklees (CLiK) survey.

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